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Etterbeek rue Général Leman 39 - 1040


Het spijt ons, maar wij hebben geen Nederlandstalige vertaling gekregen Construction typically from Brussels, mansion dating from the beginning of the century built in 1910) renovation undergoing ... after the obtention of build permit in 2012 ... for more details ... see plans / BUILDING PERMIT. Luxurious HOUSE / APARTMENT 277 m² * WINE CELLAR +TERRACE +GARDEN House on renovation phase ... major works are completed / completion work in progress ... all the completion works are made by a registered company : PRO BRIC SPRL Meer info...- Advantageous formula: * buying without finishing Work : 544.050 Euros + registration fee of the Notary * Invoice for majors works105 950 +6% VAT * finished work... ongoing *** Total Expenses € 650.000 EUROS excluding the charges - COMMERCIAL SPACE / OFFICE / DUPLEX 80M ² PURCHASE OPTION / 120000 EUROS + OPTIONAL WORKS for more information check our website : [Sluiten]

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Soort huis:Uitzonderlijk vastgoed Gebouwd in: 1910
Aantalgevels: 2 Gevelbreedte:
Woonoppervlakte:277 Perceeloppervlakte:210
WC: 1 Aantal badkamers:
Garage: Zolder:
Terras: Aantalwoonlagen:
Tuin: 100 m² Locatietuin:

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